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404,00 kr
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Energy Balance is a multivitamin that contains vitamin B6, vitamin B12, and magnesium, all of which contribute to reducing tiredness and fatigue.

In addition to vitamins and minerals, Energy Balance also contains rhodiola rosea, celery extract, and Q10.

Contains 120 capsules, equivalent to 60 days of use.

Daily dosage
Recommended daily dosage for adults and children 11+: 2 capsules.

Because ENERGY BALANCE consists of a combination of both fat- and water-soluble vitamins and minerals, it is best absorbed in conjunction with a meal, preferably in the morning.

Recommended daily dosage should not be exceeded. Supplements should not replace a varied diet. Store in a dry place and out of reach of small children.

To help yourself remember your supplements every day, we recommend dosing them in our unique pill box, which contains 14 compartments; 7 large and 7 small.

Contains 120 capsules, equivalent to 60 days of use.
Vitamins and minerals

Product information

Less fatigue and exhaustion

Vitamin B6, vitamin B12 og magnesium bidrager alle til at mindske træthed og udmattelse.

Normal hormone balance

Vitamin B6 bidrager til at regulere hormonaktiviteten. Dette gælder både hos mænd og kvinder.

Nervesystemets funktion

Magnesium, vitamin-B1, -B3, -B6 og -B12 bidrager alle til nervesystemets normale funktion og normal psykologisk funktion.

Normalt energistofskifte

Niacin, Thiamin, vitamin-B6, vitamin-B12 og Magnesium bidrager bidrager til et normalt energistofskifte.


Also contains Vitamin D

... contributing to:

  • normal absorption of calcium and phosphorus
  • normal calcium levels in the blood
  • maintaining normal bones
  • maintaining normal muscle function
  • maintaining normal teeth
  • normal immune system function
How quickly can I feel the effects of my dietary supplements?

The rule of thumb for dietary supplements is that it may take 1-2 months of consistent use before you can expect to feel the full effect.

Do I get all the vitamins and minerals I need in your ENERGY BALANCE and IRON BOOST?

Yes - and no. You can never fully meet your needs through supplements alone, and supplements cannot replace a healthy and varied diet. However, if you are healthy and not pregnant, our supplements meet the general recommendations of the Danish Health Authority for your daily intake of vitamins. If you are over 70 years old, the Danish Health Authority also recommends taking a daily calcium supplement.

Can ENERGY BALANCE replace my regular multivitamin pill?

There are many different multivitamins available, each with varying contents of vitamins and minerals, which is why it can be difficult for us to provide guidance that fits everyone. Generally speaking, we can say that our supplements meet the Danish Health Authority's general recommendations for your daily intake of vitamins, if you are healthy and not pregnant. However, if you are over 70 years old, the Danish Health Authority also recommends taking a daily calcium supplement.

How should I take my dietary supplements?

We've made it easy! First of all, we recommend that you purchase our pill box, which has 14 compartments (for morning and evening) - it helps you remember to take them, and it's the first step towards feeling the effects; to take them daily. It's great for both weekdays and on the go, on business trips or vacations. For the best effect, we recommend taking 2 capsules of ENERGY BALANCE in the morning with a meal (but preferably 30 minutes before/after your coffee, as caffeine can reduce the absorption of all supplements). We recommend taking 1 capsule of IRON BOOST in the evening - outside of meals.



To get the most out of your supplements, the most important thing is that you actually take them - ideally on a daily basis. However, with that said, there's a little more to the story: Some supplements - like ENERGY BALANCE, for example - are best taken with a meal, while others are best taken outside of meal times. This means that you may not necessarily get the desired effect from your supplements if you take them all at the same time. That's why we've developed a pill organizer that has space for your favorite supplements both in the morning and evening, for a whole week at a time. This way, you help yourself remember your supplements every day - both those you prefer to take in the morning and those you prefer to take in the evening.

Customer Reviews

Based on 14 reviews
Wow! Bare wow

De virker! Jeg led af træthed og en tung fornemmelse i kroppen - startede på Energy Balance og kunne nærmest mærke en forskel fra dag ét..
Den helt rigtige sammensætning af vitaminer og mineraler for lige præcis min krop - Har meget mere energi og er ikke længere tung og træt i krop og hoved når jeg vågner om morgenen!
(Skal dog ikke tage dem om aftenen da de så påvirker min nattesøvn) 😃
Fantastisk produkt som får min varmeste anbefaling! TAK!

Tove Jessen
5 stjerner

Synes de har virket utroligt godt
Min mand siger han mærker ikke nogen virkning(sorry)

Joan Andersen
Den giver virkelig energi

Jeg begyndte med Energy balance da den blev frigivet, og er i gang med mit 3. Glas. Den giver mig helt sikkert mere energi, også selv om jeg er 60+. Jeg kan kun anbefale det, og har allerede influeret 2 i min nære omgangskreds til at starte med Energy balance.

Monica Juncker Schaumann
Mere energi ⭐️

Fantastisk produkt har helt klart kunne mærke at jeg har fået mere energi, er kommer i gang med at træne igen (har ikke været i et fitness center siden 2009) nu er jeg der 3 gange i ugen og 4 gange træner jeg hjemme 😍

Gerda Fasting
Power Boost

Energy Balance er det rene power boost. Trætheden er pist borte og forsvundet. Tak.

Birte Jakobsen

Mega godt produkt, vil ikke undvære det

Mere energi

Er påbegyndt 2 omgang af Energy Balance og føler nu at kunne begynde at mærke et større overskud og mere energi i hverdagen, lige hvad jeg har brug for.
Giver produktet mine bedste anbefalinger.

Charlotte Bramsen
De virker bare!

Jeg er lige startet på anden bøtte af dem her, og jeg må bare sige, at jeg er blæst bagover! Jeg føler mig frisk når jeg vågner om morgenen, jeg har ikke længere brug for at sove lur midt på dagen, og jeg er generelt bare blevet en meget bedre udgave af mig selv. Kæmpe anbefaling herfra! 🤩

Energy Balance

Jeg har nu taget Energy Balance i 14 dage. Jeg tør næsten ikke tro det, men jeg fornemmer mere energi i min hverdag 🙌🏼