Here you can find answers to the most frequently asked questions about our products. If you need more information, you are always more than welcome to contact us by email: info@canacare.com


Can Cana Care products be used by pregnant women?

All Cana Care products can generally be used by pregnant women. Some products contain perfume, and should be used with care.

Which Cana Care products are suitable for children?

The best products from Cana Care for children are Repair and Rest.

Rest is especially good for active children, children with motor restlessness, and children with a sensation of growing pains. Can be used daily.

Repair, we usually say, is good for most things! Scratches, mosquito bites, atopic skin, dry skin areas, red noses, and other minor skin irritations. For both children and adults, mind you.

I have a lot of muscle tension. What products do you recommend?

People with a lot of muscle tension, for example in the back or neck, will often benefit from and enjoy using Relax and Heat. Relax can have a calming effect, while the moisturizing Heat has a warming effect, and together they can provide a feeling of relaxation and relief. Relax can be used on a daily basis. Heat is used as needed.

Are there any Cana Care products that are good for menopause?

The short answer is: YES! There are many different symptoms of menopause, and common for most is that they are not pleasant. Therefore, women going through menopause deserve plenty of self-care. And that is exactly what Cana Care can provide. Additionally, many women going through menopause find great joy in using our magnesium-rich products REST and RELAX daily. If a woman going through menopause wants to keep her skin moisturized and supple, we recommend applying EMBRACE to the body after a shower.

What can Relax / Rest do?

RELAX and REST are nurturing serums for use on the body. They contain magnesium, which contributes to hundreds of different processes in the body and is an important player in maintaining normal muscles, normal bones, and normal teeth. Therefore, magnesium is known to reduce restlessness and contribute to good muscle recovery, for example, after exercise. In addition, magnesium is also known to contribute to less fatigue and exhaustion.

RELAX is particularly good for relieving tension or supporting the body's natural recovery after sports.

REST is especially good to use before bedtime to help the body relax better.

My nose is red and chapped when I have a cold, what can help?
If your nose is red and sore when you have a cold, try applying REPAIR a few times a day after blowing your nose - it helps for most people.
Can Cana Care help with my heel spur?

Heel spurs are most often caused by overloading and therefore require relief and possibly professional treatment. In addition, many may benefit from using the magnesium-rich RELAX to massage the feet before applying a generous amount of TREAT; and if it feels good, the warming effect of Heat may have a positive impact for some.

I suffer from breast sores - what do I do?
Many women experience getting sores on their breasts in connection with establishing breastfeeding. The most important thing to alleviate this is to ensure that the baby latches correctly onto the breast, so that there is no uneven or excessive pressure on the nipples.
Does magnesium help with growing pains?

It is not entirely clear why growing pains occur, and it can therefore be difficult to provide concrete answers on what to do to alleviate it. However, our experience from our many thousands of customers is that many find great benefit in using REST on children experiencing growing pains.


Can Heat be used by breastfeeding mothers?

HEAT can be used by breastfeeding mothers, but it is important to emphasize that the product - or the skin where the product is applied - should not come into direct contact with the baby.

Can Heat be used on children?
Because the warming effect can be very intense for some, we recommend with a loving heart not to use HEAT on children. Because the product contains chili extract, which can be quite strong/hot if it comes into the mouth, HEAT should be kept out of the reach of small children.
What do I do if Heat feels too hot?
Because the skin is a large, living organ, there may be differences in how HEAT feels on the skin. If you feel that the warming effect becomes too intense, it can be softened by applying oil to the area.
Because the skin is a large, living organ that is different for all of us, it is also different how HEAT is absorbed and felt on the skin. For some, it may require a little more effort to enjoy the warming sensation from HEAT, but once you get it going, it can really make a big difference. The first thing you can try if you don't feel as much warmth from HEAT as you want is to apply more of the product. Next, you can try to activate the warmth by adding heat either externally or internally. For example, with a warm cloth, a minute with a hairdryer - or 10 minutes of exercise to warm up your body from the inside. For most people, the warmth will quickly spread afterwards, and it can often be reactivated in the same way for up to 24 hours, again and again with the same little tricks.
How long does HEAT last?

The duration of the warming effect from HEAT varies from person to person, but for most people, it can be reactivated for up to 24 hours, either by applying external heat (e.g. with a hot bath) or preferably by generating internal heat through physical activity.

Can HEAT be used on the face?

We understand the desire to do it, but Heat contains chili, so it is important that you are very careful to avoid contact with the eyes.

Can HEAT be used together with REST/RELAX?

Yes, they complement each other very well. Use RELAX (or REST) first and then HEAT.

In what order is it best to use heat and relax?
Use RELAX first, and then apply HEAT once RELAX is absorbed into the skin.


On which parts of the body should Relax be applied?

We recommend applying RELAX to the areas of the body where you feel tense. For most people, this is typically on the neck, lower back, a sore knee, or aching shoulder.

Can Relax be used for children?

Yes, it may, but for children we always recommend starting with REST. Active children or children prone to growth pains or similar, can greatly benefit from daily use of REST.

Relax stings/itches when used, is this normal?

Due to the high salt content, it is completely normal for Relax to sting/itch when the product is used on the skin. Just like you might have heard about skin having a reaction when swimming in the Dead Sea, which is incredibly salty. If stinging/itching occurs, we recommend applying the product to wet skin to reduce the concentration of the product slightly. Another recommendation is to apply a mild lotion or great oil onto the skin afterwards. If the stinging or itching persists, we recommend using Rest instead.

Should I use RELAX before or after training?

When you exercise, your muscles automatically use their magnesium stores, which is why it makes a lot of sense to add magnesium locally through the skin after training. If you engage in endurance sports, you can advantageously use RELAX along the way, but otherwise, you will benefit most from using it immediately after your workout.

A good tip: Feel free to use it right after you have taken a shower and massage it well into the skin; your body will love you for it!


YES! HEAT and RELAX are a wonderful duo if you are struggling with soreness or tension.

Start by using a few sprays of RELAX, which you massage well into the skin. Then roll on HEAT. After a few minutes, the warmth will spread - and if you don't think it's warm enough, just roll on a little more.

Can relax be used on the face?

RELAX can be used on the face, but be careful not to get the product in your eyes or mucous membranes, and consider applying a good day cream afterwards if you feel that the high salt content is irritating the delicate facial skin.

Why is my RELAX not clear/transparent?

RELAX has an extremely high content of magnesium, which is a salt mineral - and the salt can react to cold and turn white. RELAX will become transparent again as soon as it reaches room temperature.

When in my beauty routine should I use RELAX?

You can use it at any time depending on when it feels most comfortable, so you can use it in the morning after a shower, but also in the evening before bedtime.

Can I use RELAX every day?

Actually, you will get the best effect if you use it every day. It is important, especially if you use it frequently, to make sure to add additional moisture and fat to the skin, for example with a good body oil.

Can you use RELAX when pregnant?

Yes! But if you are thinking of using it at bedtime, we recommend considering using REST instead. It is a bit milder and for most people, it will provide a better sense of calm when used at bedtime.


I often have restless legs in the evening/night - will REST help?

Of course, we can't promise you miracles, but many people experience that gentle massage with REST before bedtime - or during the night if you wake up feeling restless - can help and relieve within just a few minutes.

On which parts of the body should Rest be applied?

REST can generally be used all over the body as long as the skin is intact. However, for most people it will make most sense to use it on the legs before bedtime. A suggested application method is to spray the product into your hands and massage it well into your legs and feet.

Is REST for children or adults?

REST is for both children and adults who have trouble finding calmness before bedtime. Whether the restlessness is due to growing pains, soreness, or general unease, massaging with REST will make a significant difference for most.


It is not entirely clear why growing pains occur, but in a large user survey in 2023, we found that 93% of those who use REST in connection with growing pains experience that it relieves, provides calmness, and better evenings and nights, for both adults and children.

My child is restless in the evening can I use REST?

YES! REST is excellent for creating calmness, for both big and small. For the very small ones, we recommend that you put one or two sprays in your hands and gently massage it onto the child's legs, preferably immediately after a bath.

NOTE: Because REST is very salty, it is important to avoid applying it to wounds or minor cuts, as it may sting.

Can you use REST while pregnant?

YES! It is excellent for pregnant women. Feel free to use it after a shower, or before bedtime, and make sure to massage the product well (if you can), to get the optimal effect out of it.

Can I use REST every day?

Yes, absolutely. For most people, REST will actually be most effective if used on a daily basis.


Can I use GROW while pregnant?

Like all other Cana Care products, you can generally use Grow while pregnant. However, we always recommend that pregnant women use cosmetic products with care. Even though our active ingredients are 100% natural and contain no perfume or parabens. In other words, it's up to you to decide.

Will GROW make my hair greasy?

No, Grow is non-greasy, so you can use it both morning and evening - even if you don't necessarily wash your hair every day 🙂

I experience that GROW separates/clumps - is that normal?
Yes! It is completely normal, and fortunately, it does not affect the product's effectiveness. Because GROW is a concentrated hair serum made from good, natural ingredients, there may be separation of the active ingredients, which can appear as "grit" or small flakes in the product. If you experience this, simply make sure to screw the lid on tightly and shake the bottle well before dispensing the product into the dropper, ensuring that the active ingredients are evenly distributed in the product. This way, you ensure that the effect is consistently high every time you use the product.
Can men use GROW?

YES! GROW helps reduce hair loss in both men and women, so if you are a man (or if you know a man) who has started experiencing hair loss, now is definitely a good time to start using GROW. In addition to helping reduce hair loss, GROW also supports natural, healthy hair growth. For more information, see HERE.

Can GROW be used together with my styling products?

Yes, there is nothing wrong with that, but it is best to use GROW before using your other styling products.

Should grow be washed out of the hair?

No, you do not need to wash your hair after using Grow - on the contrary. It does not make the scalp greasy, but instead contributes to a beautiful balance, so feel free to leave it on all day.

Can I use GROW in both dry and wet hair?

Yes, you can. The most important thing when using GROW is to make sure to massage the product well into the scalp.

How long does it take before I can see results?
We recommend using GROW for a minimum of 3 months to achieve the optimal effect. After that, the effect should be maintained for most people, and the hair will appear thicker (and thicker) over time.


Can Repair be used by children?

Repair is brilliant for children! It is great for everything from red bottoms, cold cheeks, dry fingers, dry lips, red noses, scraped knees, minor rashes, and other minor skin irritations.

Can Repair be used on eczema or atopic skin?

Repair is good to use for all skin types, on people of all ages. Our experience is that our customers with atopic skin really benefit from Repair.

I get red bumps after shaving - can repair help me?

Yes, it can. REPAIR contains many good and natural ingredients with healing and anti-inflammatory properties, so feel free to apply it generously to the area after shaving - and get rid of those annoying red bumps.

Can Repair be used in connection with breastfeeding?

REPAIR is perfect for use during breastfeeding due to its many beneficial properties. Simply apply it to the chest immediately after each feeding - and there is no need to wash it off before the baby is placed on the chest again next time.


How quickly can I feel the effects of my dietary supplements?

The rule of thumb for supplements is that you should take them for 1-2 months before you can expect to feel the full effect.

If you're feeling low on energy in your daily life, should you choose ENERGY BALANCE or IRON BOOST?

As a general guideline, there isn't a one-size-fits-all answer, but for most people, starting with ENERGY BALANCE is beneficial. In it, we've combined some of the most essential vitamins, minerals, and herbs that, in their unique combination, can help your body find balance if you're feeling tired, fatigued, or simply lacking energy in daily life. Additionally, for many individuals, it can be meaningful to take IRON BOOST as well, because studies indicate that one in five women are deficient in iron.

Do I get all the vitamins and minerals I need in your Energy Balance and Iron+C+B12 supplements?

Yes - and no. You can never fully meet your nutritional needs through supplements alone, and supplements cannot replace a healthy and varied diet. However, if you are healthy, not pregnant, and our supplements align with the Danish Health Authority's general recommendations for your daily intake of vitamins, they can contribute to more energy and vitality in your daily life.

If you are over 70 years old, the Danish Health Authority also recommends taking a daily supplement of calcium.

Can Energy Balance replace my regular multivitamin pill?

In developing our supplements, it's crucial for us to use only the vitamins, minerals, and herbs that complement each other well in terms of absorption and have a real and documented effect on what we aim to contribute to, such as more energy and vitality in everyday life.

This also means that there are likely some vitamins in your regular multivitamin that are not present in our supplements simply because we have actively chosen to exclude them in each of our supplements to ensure the high quality we aim to deliver.

How should I take my supplements?

We've made it easy! First, we recommend purchasing our pill case with 14 compartments (for morning and evening) - it helps you remember to take them, and it's the first step towards feeling the effects; taking them daily. It's great for everyday use, as well as on the go, during business trips or vacations. For the best effect, we recommend taking 2 capsules of ENERGY BALANCE in the morning with a meal (but preferably 30 minutes before/after your coffee, as caffeine can reduce the absorption of all supplements). We also recommend 1 capsule of IRON+C+B12 in the evening - outside of meal times.


Is it safe to take Iron Boost while pregnant?

The Danish Health Authority recommends that pregnant women take iron supplements from week 10 of pregnancy, and Iron Boost can be a great alternative to traditional iron supplements. We recommend 2 capsules daily for pregnant women (from week 10).

I have previously experienced stomach discomfort from iron supplements; will I experience the same with Iron Boost?

If you have experienced stomach issues with iron supplements before, start by taking 1 capsule every other day - preferably in the evening and always outside of meal times.

If it feels okay, you can increase to 1 capsule daily. The most important thing to protect your stomach when taking iron supplements is to take them outside of meal times. This way, you help your body absorb iron optimally and minimize the risk of stomach discomfort.

What should I do if I can't swallow pills?

Because our supplements come in capsules, you can simply open the capsule and mix the contents with a liquid that you drink. Especially for iron, it's important for absorption that you mix it only with water or orange juice.

Can I take supplements while breastfeeding?

Iron Boost can be a very good alternative to traditional iron supplements while breastfeeding.

How should I take the IRON BOOST supplement?

We recommend taking 1 capsule of IRON BOOST in the evening - outside of meal times.


How many pills can fit in the pill case?

It's difficult to give a precise answer as it depends on the size of the pills and supplements you take.

The container is 11 cm in diameter and 2.7 cm high. It has 14 open compartments for pills/supplements (7 larger and 7 slightly smaller), and one compartment for closing the box.

Each of the 7 larger compartments can hold up to 5 medium-sized pills/capsules (like ENERGY BALANCE), while each of the 7 smaller compartments can hold up to 3 medium-sized pills/capsules.

What should I do if the pill case is too small for my supplements?

You can always return your items to us within 30 days. If you receive the pill case at home and find that it's not suitable for you, we'd be happy to offer you a refund.

Can the pill case be obtained in other colors?

So far, we only have it in one color. However, if you have specific preferences, please feel free to write to us at info@canacare.com, and we will be happy to take your idea to the development department.


Can Treat Foot Cream help with dry feet?

Treat Foot Cream is great for dry feet. Feel free to use it daily after your shower. Since it absorbs quickly, it's a breeze to use.

Can Treat be used by pregnant women?

All products from Cana Care can generally be used by pregnant women, but like with all other cosmetic products, they should be used with caution. Less is more.

Should I use foot cream after shower?

It is of course up to you whether you want to use foot cream after your shower, but to give your feet the best care, we recommend that you apply TREAT to them after showering.

How often should I use foot cream?

To give your feet the most optimal care, we recommend using TREAT after showering - preferably every day.


Can Embrace be used for psoriasis?

There's no issue with using Embrace if you have psoriasis. It contains many beneficial oils rich in vitamins and antioxidants, which should benefit most skin types. Additionally, due to its content of hydrasalinol, it can contribute to maintaining the skin's moisture balance by promoting the production and transport of urea to the skin, which is crucial, especially for individuals with problematic skin.

Can Embrace be used for psoriasis?

There is no issue with using Embrace if you have psoriasis. It contains many beneficial oils rich in vitamins and antioxidants that will benefit most skin types. Additionally, due to its content of hydrasalinol, it can contribute to building and maintaining the skin's moisture balance by promoting the production and transport of urea to the skin, which is crucial, especially for individuals with problematic skin.

Is Embrace good for pregnant women?

YES! Embrace is a natural body oil with particularly good nourishing properties for the sensitive skin of pregnant women. It absorbs easily into the skin and helps increase suppleness and elasticity, without containing unnecessary chemicals - in other words, it's exactly what you want during pregnancy.


Does SOFT penetrate as quickly as TREAT?

Yes, it does. It has been essential for us that our creams penetrate the skin quickly. In addition to making them highly effective, it also makes it much easier to use them in a busy daily routine.

Does SOFT contain perfume?

Yes, SOFT contains a mild perfume. The perfume is chemically manufactured, making it very environmentally and allergy-friendly.

Can I use SOFT if I have very dry and rough hands?

You can use SOFT daily, or more often, especially if you have very dry hands. Additionally, you may consider applying REPAIR to your hands before bedtime to repair the skin and lock in the skin's natural moisture as effectively as possible.

Can pregnant women use SOFT?

All products from Cana Care can generally be used by pregnant women, but like with all other cosmetic products, they should be used with caution. Less is more.


How often can I use Lips?

There is no upper limit to how frequently you can use LIPS, so we recommend using it as needed or once daily to provide your lips with optimal care in everyday life.

Does Lips have a scent?

Yes - and no. LIPS does not contain any added fragrance, but because it is made from 100% good, natural, and organic ingredients, it may have a natural scent from the raw materials for some people.